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hahaha :)



Very neat experience. The game itself is a great idea! It's kinda janky sometimes, but all the concept is there, the "inventory" is really creative and the monster did give me goosebumps the first couple times. In general it's a worthy 20 minutes experience.


Игра не плоха и держит по началу в напряжении, но вот управление слишком дубовое, что немного портит впечатление.


Good game! 


Fun game 
Fun game 
(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Great game. Only thing that bugged me was the movement. I often got stuck or snagged on a lot of turns and somehow managed to get completely turned around a few times. But yeah a solid 4/5. I like how it actually saves the photos you take.


Great game! This one spooked me a lot!


Love the look of the game. nice job!


Well, I said everything I needed when I did the review, but: The game was very unique and terrifying! I don't see a reason for that endless mode, it didn't offer much, and it wasn't as good as the first experience I had with the game. Anyway, shameless plug. Good luck with your future game!


This was a very good playthrough up until the end where I unfortunately got stuck on a part of the map.


eu gostei do jogo,os gráficos podiam ser um pouco melhor,mais tá valendo!


the concept of this horror game was amazing and unique, i enjoyed the gameplay/atmosphere of it a lot! good job with the game, looking forward to any future projects of yours.


This idea was so unique and executed so well! Excellent job with this game! I'll definitely follow to see what else you make!

I really liked this short game. There were a few times that this game scared me a little since you cant really run away from the monster because of the thight space and the fact that you are crawling around, which means that you have to face the monster head on with your camera flash.   

Would love to play more.


love the plot twist at the end!

Really loved the claustrophobic feel, hated my flashlight jajaja


Cool game? Yea1111


Great game, def did its job (im terrified of crawling through caves).... if you watch this you will get a funny laugh from the ending lol

Que jogo fenomenal, deu medo, desespero, pavor e terror!

Great Game With Great jumpscares 10/10


It's pretty fun but could be slightly more smooth- I had my character get caught on a corner and it took a long while to get by no matter which way I faced. 

Similarly because of a corner I had to repeatedly photo the creature with it being unaffacted while still being able to attack me. 


This was a challenging and horrifying experience, I will NEVER understand why people spelunk and this game only reinforces that confusion. Excellent game.


Story: 6/10, Creepy: 6/10, Graphic: 6/10, Gameplay: 6/10


Awesome and challenging game!!


Highly recommend, I love this game :)


I had fun playing the game :)

(1 edit) (+2)

Nice game, had fun with it. 

(1 edit) (+2)

A sensação de claustrofobia é intensa, não sei qual jornalista em sã consciência entraria em um lugar assim.

Bem, vejam isso:

Mas o pior de tudo, quem é que leva uma lanterna de energia cinética pra um buraco que só cabe você e a entidade maligna que vai comer você vivo?

I played thru the game once. It was most frustrating when i could not move where i was looking, i had to "look a little left" or a little right. Or else i would go too slowly. But it is meant to be frustrating somewhat. So suggestion, maybe you could wind up the flashlight without it being fully dead. The stuff was cool


Gameplay BR

Nice game

Nice Game Man, the monster was cool.


This game is money worth!

(3 edits) (+2)

Hey there just wanted to say I played your game and I really liked what you did. Some frustrations but it never detracts from the whole experience.

Keep up with the work.

Also pssttt... I'm looking forward to see what you are going to do with your next game ;)


The game is so good. congratulations!!!


I like how unique the game is, even tho i have claustrophobia i didnt feel claustrophobic while playing

Im just gonna post a random comment. I litteraly have nothing to say.

(1 edit) (+2)

The game was so much fun! I loved the setting and mechanics! You set up a nice scenario to get absolutely paranoid! I did find myself getting stuck in tight corners, but overall, it was a super fun and scary experience! Can't wait to see more! 

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